Cover Album Paraphernalia
release date
27 October 2006

Videoclip Christmas Time


  • Track List
  • 01. Happy Family - 02:56
  • 02. Please, No More Light - 04:10
  • 03. Sint Annen Straat - 09:37
  • 04. Christmas Time - 01:52
  • 05. When Mosquitoes Ask You Die - 01:49


What a problem a son
Who breath quickly on my neck
I just want to be free
I'm still not yet an old man

Daddy, please take my hand
I'm not able to walk
I believe in You
Why don't you wanna talk?

Every time I pray Now I lay me down to sleep
Every single day I pray the lord my soul to keep
Am I living now? If I should die before I wake
Is this what I found? I pray the lord my soul to take

What a problem, a son
Who suck milk from my tits
I feel lonely and depressed
My old dress doesn't fit
I dont' wanna think tonight
Don't wanna spend other sleepless night
No more bullshit about boys and girls
Hate and love and back and forth

The only thing that I know
Is that I am alone
And everytime I see a light
First makes me warm then makes me cry

So please
No more light
No more light

It's so hard to learn from mistakes
It hurts to see that nothing changes
Dirt everywhere and you don't know how to clean it
The helpless one, I'm condamned to be him

I saw too much faces screened on the wall
Life's not a movie that you controll
Now my headache is winning the fight
I can only say, please no more light
Part 1: Stella
The black is black
The white is white
The black on black
The white on white
Everything seems right
In Sint Annen Straat tonight

Black ass there
Big Tits here
And all the problems
Seem to disappear
I'm feeling fine
Where a sin can't be a crime

Different faces, different names
Same old places, same old games
I feel so nice
And the bad things go away

Stella is waiting
Behind that glass door
For a man like me
I'm not so sure
She looks so kind
When she tells me the price

Part 2: Venerdì 30 Aprile 2004
Devi fare piano altrimenti qualcuno si sveglia.
Controlla bene che la sveglia non ti svegli domani, perché domani non lavori.
E’ la festa del lavoro
Hai fatto tanto per guadagnare poco. E la gente che hai intorno regolarmente si frega qual poco che hai.
Hai sofferto tanto ma tanto non te lo ricordi più. Hai visto molto più di quello che è sopportabile vedere.
I tuoi polmoni ti dolgono e non hai preso nessuna botta, hai solo fumato troppo.
Hai sopportato molto più di quello che è umanamente sopportabile.
Vorresti smettere di vivere, ma non ne hai forza, così sei costretto a dimostrare che anche tu ti puoi affermare.
Pensi sempre che sia la volta buona, ma di buono c’è solo quello che non vedi.
Ritieni impossibile tutto ciò che è illogico, ma ti fa male vedere che è possibile l’impossibile.
Ti ritrovi senza niente e non vuoi più niente, perché sai che solo così riesci a non stare male.
Ti hanno spogliato di tutto, così tanto da farti rimanere con un’unica cosa: l’Odio.
L’odio per chi continua a dire che la vita è bella. E per chi non si comporta in maniera corretta.
L’odio per gli stupidi e per chi predica bene e razzola male.
L’odio per tutti.
L’odio viscerale e soporifero.
L’odio infernale e animalesco.
Ogni volta che sono addolorato e mi tiro una sega, sento tutto il male uscirmi fuori dal cazzo nel momento dell’orgasmo.

Part 3: Shame
It's a shame...
To live a life in this way
All the memories you love
Are the one that bring you pain

It's an horrible shame
When you finally find love
Your heart is cold as a grave

Oh what a shame...
She sell you her body
And you pretend to change her name

It's a wonderfull shame...
Just fifteen minutes of love
And I can fight the world again...

It's such a shame
Yes, It's a shame
To be jealous of somebody
That don't remember your name

It's a shame...
All the cash that I gave
Are the answers to all the troubles
That I make...

It's a shame...
It's christmas time
Like the past years
All these lights just brings me fear
With all the things I have to do
I must find time to think about You

It's christmas time
Another day
I just want to clear my way
No more presents for the good guy
Only sadness by my side

It's Christmas time
All the things I say
All the things I do
Everything just reminds me of You

It's christmas time
It's time to pray
All this bullshit blows me away
A christmas tree and a shining star
While the light seems so far

It's christmas time
I drink a beer
I give a kiss to whoever is not yet here
It's not so fun to be feeling blue
I can't stop to think about You

It's Christmas time
All the things I say
All the things I do
Everything just reminds me of You
Just few minutes of love
They could sound good to me
Silly weak words whispered
To make my life complete

Half hour of love
It's very much for me
The heart could start to bleed
And all the victims start to kill

An entire day of love
It could be heaven for me
I'm just the same old fool
Which doesn't know what He wants to be

A week of love
It's something out of mind
She couldn't be attracted
From what I have inside

An entire life of love
Just to not feel the pain
I'm not that special one
But deep inside, I'm waiting for that day

Special Thanks:
Carlo Ferrante, Fabrizio Muccioli,
Alessandro Emberti, Paolo Alvano,
Francesco Giannetti, Giose Brescia,
Niccolo' Palomba, Emanuele Bertolini,
Alessia Spagnoli, Alfonso Germano',
Monica Torre, Alessandro Giordani,
Christian Ponis, Flavio De Bernardinis,
Chiara Benucci, Stefano Greco,
Anthony Ettorre, Giuseppe Cacace,
Mauro Di CIocia, Joe Zaso,
GIampaolo Palocci, Arik Agnesini,
Giorgio Clementelli, Gianluca Guidi,
Roberto Macor, Settimio Catini,
Zaelia Bishop.

Extra Special Thanks:
Kardia (The best band in the universe!)
Joe Zaso (For Technical support)

Artwork by Zaelia Bishop

All songs written and composed by Riccardo Ponis (from 2002 to 2005)
Vocals and Guitar: Riccardo Ponis
Mastered by Mattia Candeloro at Piccoli Passi Studio (Roma)

Dedicated to the ones who sleep alone
2006 MErry TIme BLAck prod.